Friday, January 6, 2012

You CANNOT spot reduce! However....

Tis cannot 'spot reduce'. However, you CAN exercise a certain body part AND get results there! I promise! For instance...if you do exercises for your biceps, for example bicep or hammer curls, you WILL see results! If that muscle is flabby or nonexistent you will build and tighten that muscle. Remember...MORE muscle mass that replaces FAT or FLAB will, in essence, look like you've 'spot reduced' because that 'spot' will be smaller and more firm!! Or, the muscle will be bigger (maybe visible for the first time in years) and tighter! WOOHOO!!

Now, if you want to once again (or for the first time in your life) see those muscles hiding under that fat and flab, you MUST change your diet...PERIOD!!! You CANNOT make changes to your body with exercise alone. It's a fact. Take baby steps. Even if you don't want to diet, just change ONE thing today. Take out processed sugar, white flour, pop...ALL of those are culprits!! Can I teach you something about supposed 'Fat Free' candy? Here goes...Yes, it's ture they do NOT put fat in it, I'll give them that. BUT, and this is a BIG but (no pun intended, kinda) if you get too much sugar in your diet, it WILL turn to FAT!!

Sugar is convereted in the body to glucose. The body uses glucose as energy. (This is all in laymans terms, but you can find it in medical terms on After the body uses this glucose for immediate use it then converts it to glycogen and stores some for later, any excess on top of that is stored in the liver and adipose (fat) it fatty acid!! Too much fatty acid=excess fat!! So, even though the candy may not have fat initially, if you get too much SUGAR it can and does, through a certain process, turn into FAT! Interesting, no!?!?

Simples carbs, ie. sugar and candy, NOT good for the body. Complex carbs, ie. oatmeal and veggies, ARE good for the body. That's a story for another day. For today, Choose to Change and change ONE thing in your diet that you; if you're being honest with yourself; KNOW is not good for you regardless of your diet habits!

Tomorrow I will revamp my diet and supplements. I'll explain why then. I think my body is de-toxing and I've had a headache for 2 days. My brain is NOT functioning today...sigh...

Happy eating, my friends! :)


  1. Nice mom! I have been doing my diet too pretty good until Bryan brought me home sour straws yesterday haha! The one thing I am changing is my consumption of candy (and since I started birth control, chocolate :)). Love my mom! I love your blog!

  2. Thanks miss Kila!! WOW, the words are really small in that post! HAHA! Good job on watching your diet and sugar intake. You're beautiful and look wonderful! I know I have felt a lot better and, once the headache went away today, I've had more energy as well. Love you, sweet girl!!
