Friday, January 13, 2012

Dreams really CAN come true!~It's called 'setting a goal'!!~

Since it's snowy outside I'm typing my words in yellow for a little sunshine today! :) I recently heard this and thought it was too great to not share~"A GOAL is only a DREAM if you do not write it down."! Profound, no!? I've never thought of it that way before, but, I totally agree! This is one of the reasons I am writing this blog. Firstly, now it's a GOAL to lower my cholesterol, not just a DREAM. Secondly, you'll be surprised at what accountability will do for you! ;) Seriously, if I'm tempted to eat something NOT on my menu I think about all of you and having to write it down for you to read! But, the biggest reason is to prove to myself (and YES, to the doc) that I can do this!

Question~do you think my gall bladder that is not functioning, full of sludge and small stones, is contributing to my bad cholesterol numbers? The research I've done says no. However, I don't think I agree! Your gall bladder helps remove fat and cholesterol through the bile produced by the liver. If the fat and cholesterol get dumped into a non-functioning gall bladder, doesn't it make sense my numbers would be bad? FYI~my cholesterol numbers have gotten worse since dealing with my gall bladder...hmmmm...

Yesterday it snowed for the first time this winter! Woohoo! I shoveled the driveway and sidewalks with my kids. No, we do NOT have a snowblower! We've lived in the mid west for 13 years, 13 winters, no snowblower! Why, you might ask? Well, we're the 'mean' parents on the block. We make our kids shovel the snow and they also have to 'push' the lawnmower in the summer time. Mean parents, right!? My feeling, keeps them busy and active and, besides, they live here too, right!? ;) So, today I am SORE! Shoveling also gets your heart's great exercise! My point, get off the couch and do SOMETHING for your health! Walk around the block, park farther away at a store, use the stairs and not the elevator, etc. There are numerous ways to 'sneak' in exercise without even thinking about it! My kids know that if they go to the store with mom, we park out in the boonies and WALK! :)

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