Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm Baaaaack! :) ~ (Tips for better skin!)

So, last week was interesting....YIKES! Glad it's over, yet, I'm not. Here's some of my week...

Here are the wonderful aspects of the week...My daughter Chantel and her cute little guy Gage came and stayed with me for 2 weeks while her hubby was in Penn. doing training. Of COURSE I had to play with them!! :) I was able to accompany myself and sing "How Great Thou Art" at my dear friends' father's funeral. I was also able to play "Believe in Christ" for my daughter Mackenzi at her friends' baptism. Went to 2 wonderful YW in excellence's at a couple of our branches out here...amazing Young Women!! See, WONDERFUL things happened! :)

Now for the not-so-great things...I shut my thumb in the car door, thought I broke it, xrays said 'no' but my thumb is purple, huge, and hurts! :( Also, I was putting away silverware out of the dishwasher and dropped a steak knife on the top of my foot! Wouldn't you think the heavy handle would fall first? hmmm, not so. The sharp end stabbed into my foot right into a vein.  I put pressure on it so, the blood spread underneath the skin. Nice little purple bruise in a perfect circle. HAHA!! My hubby and son are SO protective of me right now!! :)

As far as the cholesterol journey...I've been doing really great with supplements and exercise! Food, well, I'm doing well with the menu. But...ummm...well...I made lemon bars for Kenzi and Jasmine, hadn't had them in YEARS (literally!) and I ate half of them!! Know what? I woke up with a headache EVERY day last week! I KNOW it had to do with the sugar! Just took me a week to figure it out! ;)  So, other than the sugar added to the diet, I did wonderfully! Still loving the chicken and rice..my favorite!!!

I added a grapefruit daily. Heard it helps to 'burn' the fat out of your system, therefore, helping the cholesterol. We'll see. I LOVE grapefruit!! Also, stopped the Larabars. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE THEM, but, trying to do less carbs. Remember, if you get too many it will turn into fat! I am also eating salmon every day. I read, in Dr. Perricone's book (famoue dermatologist) that it helps with your skin. Now that I'm at the ripe ole age of 51 I need all the help I can get! My skin does NOT like me any more! Interesting things have happened to it this past year...not kidding!! So, fish oil, salmon, Vit. C, lots of water with lemon, tomatoes, romain lettuce, almonds or hazlenuts, eating protien BEFORE any other part of your meal, will ALL help with your skins appearance and texture!

Externally, you can put olive oil on at night for moisturizer. DO NOT go to bed with your make-up on, it can cause SO many things...dry skin, clogged pores causing acne, ages your skin faster...just clean and moisturize your face daily. Exfoliate ONCE a week, more will cause your skin to become dry, therefore, susceptible to wrinkles and acne.  Use sun screen...sun damage causes pre-mature wrinkling. Give your skin a rest once in awhile from make-up. It will give your skin a chance to 'breathe' and repair itself and generate new cell growth.

That's it. All my wisdom for now. If you have any questions, please feel free to send an inbox or email. FYI, I will continue my journey for another 3 weeks until I go to AZ for my nieces wedding...WOOHOO!! I'm SO excited!! I'll have test results in 3 weeks. Also, I quit the Metamucil for a week....no constipation!! Trying to figure out a new dosage or something!! I read on a website recently that Psyllium is the BEST thing you can take to lower LDL.  So, I'm still going to give it a try!! Have a wonderful week!!! If my computer holds up and LETS me blog, I will be more consistent this week! :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 3~

After three weeks of my journey things are going fine. As you noticed in my last post...everyone falls off the wagon at some point! ;) But, that's why you figure out how to stay fit and manage your diet! Like I've said, it's a lifestyle change.

I've ramped up my diet for the next couple of weeks and will have less carbs...no dark chocolate (even thought it's great for the heart AND skin), I will add salmon every day (another heart and skin healthy food) and leave out the Larabar unless I have a busy, out-of-the-house day where I can't get to other food. It's a great snack and/or meal replacement I'm just trying to eat less carbs for a bit. FYI~ I'm feeling healthier and not as tired. I mean, I AM tired cuz I'm a mom and a grandma, but it's a different kind of tired. I can make it to the end of my day a lot easier!

I'm just anxious to see if this work makes any difference in the numbers! For this week make a change in your exercise habits. Add a few more minutes of cardio a day. If you can't get your 30 min in at one time, do 3-ten minute sessions. Does the same thing as far as cleaning out those arteries. There ARE benefits in other ways to working out really HARD for 30 min straight...we'll talk about that later!! Keep up the momentum and hard work!! :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Falling off the wagon~ ;)

OK, so, my children weren't here for my birthday which is Dec. 26th.  Chantel, our oldest, and her little son Gage, are visiting for a couple of weeks. So, she decided she needed to take me out to lunch for a belated birthday. Well, we went to Red Lobster. We shared the Maple glazed salmon...yummy! I also had 2 rolls and a salad with about 1 tsp of vinaigrette. We drank an ice water with lemon. For dessert we shared a piece of chocolate cake.

OK, so, I know I'm doing my cholesterol lowering journey but decided to celebrate anyway. Here is a little secret...this is how I've kept 55 lbs off for over 30 years. Even though I ate things at lunch that aren't on my particular diet at the moment, I found ways to still make it do-able. Because I ate the rolls I didn't have my brown rice. Different carbs...I know. I didn't have my chocolate squares because I had the chocolate cake.  THIS is how you keep weight off once you lose it!! DO NOT punish yourself for eating something that might not be on your diet or not so good for you!!! Mentally keep track of your calories and adjust in other places!! If I want a cookie, I have one! I'll just cut back on dinner. If I want a candy bar, I'll have one! Maybe I'll have a smaller sandwich for lunch! It's a way of life during AND after the diet and weight loss!! Make it a lifestyle change!!

That's it!! That's my little secret!! When you go on a diet don't think to yourself, "Oh, I can do ANYTHING for 3 months until I lose the weight." If you have this mentality, you will fail...PERIOD!! This is the reason over 90% of people gain their weight back! You have to want the change for LIFE...NOT just for a short period of time and then go back to bad habits.

Now, it's off to celebrate my son's 14th birthday...he ROCKS!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Benefits of supplements~

OK, so, here goes the list of supplements I am taking and what they are supposed to be helping with. (I'll find out here in a few weeks if ANYTHING is helping!)
~Green tea
~Omega 3
~Red Wine Capsule (Doc wants me to drink the real stuff...sorry, doc!)
~Red Rice Capsule
~Cinnamon Capsule
~Plant Sterols
~Flaxseed Capsule

 RAISE HDL (The GOOD kind!)
~NO supplements are known to raise HDL. The only thing they suggest is to exercise!

~Milk Thistle (It's also suppose to help repair the liver and promote new cell growth)

I could write a long explanation of why all of these apparently work, but, you'll just have to take my word for it! ;) I've done a LOT of research and what I have listed above is what I feel will help me the best for my condition.

Niacin is another great supplement, however, it can cause damage to the liver and raise enzymes and I'm already fighting that. I'm giving my liver a break for a few weeks. As I've said before, I take my supplements in the MIDDLE of my meal. It seems to help with the burping. It's not as bad for me if I take them with a little food in my tummy.

Hope you are all finding things that will work for you in my plan whether you're trying to lose weight, get fit, lower your cholesterol, or fix any other health issue. Eating better and exercising will fix a LOT of health issues!! Keep up the good work!! Keep sending those emails and inboxes for help on YOUR journey! :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Don't eat if you're not hungry!!~

I know, kinda a no brainer wouldn't you say? But, how many of us eat when we're with friends, family, at the movie, at a ball game, late at night, dessert after dinner even though we're stuffed. I know, we ALL have to admit we've done it once or twice. I'll be honest, I've done it a LOT! There's quite a few things NOT ok with this eating practice!!
1. You will stretch out your stomach and, in the long run, will have to eat more to fill up that space!
2. You get calories that you DO NOT need which equals...you got it...weight gain!
3. You feel gross and instantly regret it...right!? I ate a piece of whole wheat bread AFTER dinner tonight and I feel sick!! But, that homemade bread ROCKED!!
4. 'Social eating' is a BIG problem in the U.S.! People eat around other people, whether it's a party, movie, super bowl Sunday, etc...I'm sure you can think of MANY times you ate just to eat because everyone around you was eating and you couldn't stop yourself and you regreted it later and you felt like you were gonna pop and...well...you get the idea! ;)
5. It messed with your body's natural 'time clock' for when YOU need to eat!!

If you don't keep a food journal and you're trying to lose weight, maybe you should consider keeping one.  I have never had the need. But, if you're having a hard time losing weight and THINK you're doing well on your diet but just don't seem to drop the pounds, keep a journal and see where your calories REALLY come from! Eating 5 to 6 small meals a day for the past 30 years has helped me keep off that yucky 55 lbs! The best advice I can give you...make your portions SMALLER, keep track of your CALORIES, and cut out the sugar. Report back here in a week! ;)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Change it up!!~

Thought I would touch on this a little more since I feel it's REALLY important!! CHANGE UP YOUR ROUTINE!!!!

Have you ever noticed those people at the gym who are always there, always doing the same routine, and their body never seems to change? Well, it's a combination of things. The BIGGEST culprit is the diet. You CANNOT...I repeat...CANNOT, change your body if you don't change your diet! Exercise alone will NOT give you the results that you want...PERIOD! If you're spending the time and effort exercising to get into shape then doesn't it make sense you'd do ALL of it? Getting rid of refined sugar and soda are huge! BIG changes will happen with just this one change. Drinking more water is another one. Hydration is a major factor in SO many areas of your body...cell reproduction, skin, tissues, constipation (sorry, but it's a fact), replenishing your body of the fluid you lose during workout, etc.  Your body will thank you!

OK, now for the change...change up your routine. My sister-in-law, with her personal trainer, does weight lifting for a month (no cardio) then cardio ONLY for the next month and then continues that routine. Works for her. If you're a runner, make sure you lift weights. Important on SO many levels! If you do Zumba 3X a week, make sure you do something different the other two days. You could do Zumba 5X per week for a month then switch up to the elliptical the next month. Or, Jazzercise one week, stair stepper the next. The combinations are endless and your results will be as well if you'll switch up your routine. Do something different. Surprise your body. Use muscles you didn't know you had!

It's two weeks into the journey...how are you doing? Made any changes you want to share? My daughter is continuing her workout and eating better. The hubby, well, still trying to pull him along. Little strides are great for him! :) Happy working out!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

You are what you eat!~

'Tis true, my friends! :) One thing I've REALLY noticed about this diet I'm doing is that I feel more energetic and more healthy...does that make any sense? I haven't had any sugar for these two weeks. Ok, refined sugar. We all know there's sugar in fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose), those are naturally occurring sugars and react differently in your body than the refined sugars. I feel more full ALL of the time. Apparently I have added a lot more fiber to my diet. I weighed this morning and gained a pound back, which I'm totally fine with! I think part of the weight I lost was from the lasting effects of added fiber, if you know what I'm saying! ;)

Remember I told you I put things in my diet specifically to raise HDL or lower LDL? Here's some of the things they do:
Oats- Reduce total cholesterol and LDL
Blueberries- antioxidants (prevents plaque build-up)
Flaxseed- Reduces triglycerides
Brown rice- Lowers LDL (adds fiber)
Olive Oil- Lowers LDL AND Raises HDL
Craisins- antioxidant
Walnuts & almonds- Lowers LDL and Raises HDL
Applesauce & prunes- Antioxidant
Dark chocolate- Lowers LDL and Raises HDL (good fat)

I'll put more info tomorrow on the supplements. I think we ALL know the reasons exercise is good. If not, let me know and I'll explain. After our Stake youth activity tonight we stopped at Hardees, having not eaten for several hours. I ordered a grilled chicken club~grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato, wheat bun, (took off the bacon and NO mayo) I could hardly eat it! In fact, I only ate about half of it! It's amazing how your taste buds change when you eat healthier! I ate my Larabar and now I'm happy! :) Have a wonderful Saturday!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dreams really CAN come true!~It's called 'setting a goal'!!~

Since it's snowy outside I'm typing my words in yellow for a little sunshine today! :) I recently heard this and thought it was too great to not share~"A GOAL is only a DREAM if you do not write it down."! Profound, no!? I've never thought of it that way before, but, I totally agree! This is one of the reasons I am writing this blog. Firstly, now it's a GOAL to lower my cholesterol, not just a DREAM. Secondly, you'll be surprised at what accountability will do for you! ;) Seriously, if I'm tempted to eat something NOT on my menu I think about all of you and having to write it down for you to read! But, the biggest reason is to prove to myself (and YES, to the doc) that I can do this!

Question~do you think my gall bladder that is not functioning, full of sludge and small stones, is contributing to my bad cholesterol numbers? The research I've done says no. However, I don't think I agree! Your gall bladder helps remove fat and cholesterol through the bile produced by the liver. If the fat and cholesterol get dumped into a non-functioning gall bladder, doesn't it make sense my numbers would be bad? FYI~my cholesterol numbers have gotten worse since dealing with my gall bladder...hmmmm...

Yesterday it snowed for the first time this winter! Woohoo! I shoveled the driveway and sidewalks with my kids. No, we do NOT have a snowblower! We've lived in the mid west for 13 years, 13 winters, no snowblower! Why, you might ask? Well, we're the 'mean' parents on the block. We make our kids shovel the snow and they also have to 'push' the lawnmower in the summer time. Mean parents, right!? My feeling, keeps them busy and active and, besides, they live here too, right!? ;) So, today I am SORE! Shoveling also gets your heart pumping..it's great exercise! My point, get off the couch and do SOMETHING for your health! Walk around the block, park farther away at a store, use the stairs and not the elevator, etc. There are numerous ways to 'sneak' in exercise without even thinking about it! My kids know that if they go to the store with mom, we park out in the boonies and WALK! :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Is there such a thing as 'good fat'? Why, yes! Yes there is!

...and they are called MUFA's...monounsaturated fats.  Saturated fats are those found in cakes, cookies, crackers, maragarine, you get the idea! Those are the little buggers that plug up your arteries. Plug up your arteries and you have a heart attack! Mono and Polyunsaturated fats do the opposite. They can actually reverse those plugged up arteries! Wanna know what else they are good for?...

1. Improves cholesterol levels
2. Eases inflamation
3. Stabilizes heart rhythms
4. Helps manage your moods
5. Helps you stay on top of your mental game
6. Fights fatigue
7. Control your weight

Pretty great list, right!?  Remember I told you that EVERYTHING on my menu and in my supplements are specifically to help lower my LDL or raise my HDL? Well, I added the 'good fat' to help do both! You can find these MUFA's in many foods.  In my menu they are in:

1. Oatmeal
2. Flaxseed
3. Olive oil
4. Walnuts
5. Oil in dressing
6. Dark chocolate
7. Larabar
8. Almonds
9. Fish

Yes, there are saturated fats in those items as well. It's OK to have SOME, just make sure your good fat intake is higher than the bad. 20-35% of your calories should come from fat.  Women should NOT have more than 20g of sat. fat daily and men no more than 30g.

Guess what, women? Eating more MUFA's and fish will help your skin look better!! You can even put olive oil on your face at night time as a moisturizer. It will not clog your pores! If you're trying anything I've posted whether it's food, supplements, exercise, let me know how it's going for you! :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Ever heard the saying, "Strengthen your heart~bend down and lift someone up."?? Well, it's true. You truly strengthen your heart when you serve someone, or lift someone up.  I am a firm believer in service. I have been the recipient of service that has blessed my life numerous times! And, I have also been blessed to offer service to others. That's what this life is all about! Serving and helping others. Treat them as Christ would treat them. Just been thinking about that today and thought I would share. Lose yourself in service today! :)

By the way, when I cook my chicken I dice it. The yummy oil and spices coat each piece better! :) Tonight, are you ready, for dinner I had a big piece....ready for this...of homemade half white half wheat bread with butter spray....YUM!! I couldn't resist. Remember we talked about enjoying life!? Homemade bread is one of those joys for me! So, that was my dinner. Healthy carbs (for the most part) and good fat. I also had about 1 tsp. blackberry jam. Sugar free is WONDERFUL!! 

I'm a third of the way through my journey.  In a few weeks I'll have blood work again and then see where I'm at. The menu I'm following has really worked for me as far as feeling full and having energy. My workouts are around 45 min, I'll be upping that to 60 min. next week.  Hope you're all making positive changes! :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Anyone out there?? ;)

Not really sure it anyone is reading my blog. That's OK. I think it's good for me to write my journey down! Today I will tell you how I cook my chicken. I hope the computer doesn't crash...

4 OZ chicken breast

Heat skillet and spray with cooking spray. Brown chicken on one side then turn over. After about 30 seconds (or, when you can tell the chicken is almost done) put on Mrs. Dash, pepper, and a little salt. Turn off heat, add 1 TBSP olive oil. Put lid on pan (oil will splatter) and let set for about 30 seconds. When you take the lid off the oil and chicken juice is browned. Stir the chicken around in the pan and get all of the drippings. Pour over about 1/2 c. brown rice. Enjoy!! YUMM! This is by FAR my favorite meal of the menu! When I'm really hungry I add my salad with craisins and walnuts. I found some raspberry vinagrette...I'll let you know how I like it.

If you're having a hard time making changes or even wanting to change, think about the alternative! We're all aging, every day. It's a fact. None of us can get past the fact we will age and get older...period! So, you can abuse your body on this journey, or, you can take care of it. The question you need to ask yourself is this...how do you want to feel, move, think, get around, etc, when you're older. How you take care of your body NOW will directly affect your body when you're older. Sorry. It's just a fact! It's never to late to make a change. Start small. You can do it!! Stop drinking pop. Drink more water. Add a vegetable or fruit. Eat less red meat. Stop eating sugar, or, just have it once in awhile. I PROMISE you that, if you stop eating sugar, you will stop craving it. Don't just take my word for it, put it to the test!!

Hope you're all making healthier choices. If there's something you want me to address here, let me know and I'll do my best! I'm off for a walk with the hubby. It's Jan 10th, 5:30 PM and 50 degrees outside!! WHAT!?!??!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The year of living dangerously!

Not sure why I chose that title other than to get your attention! :) 2012~apparently the Mayan calendar predicts the world will end on Dec. 21st of this year. I don't agree.  However, let's say that it is going to end...that's like 11 months away.  What are some things you want to accomplish this year? I promised myself I would read "Jesus the Christ." I know. I should probably have read it by now but there's so many big words! :) So far so good. I'm just going to read it this time and try to absorb as much as possible. Yes, this will be a bit dangerous for me! HAHA!

What does reading have to do with health? Well, word has it that you begin to lose brain cells and your memory the older you get. Reading something that's challenging for you will supposedly help to retain those cells for just a little longer. I'll let you know if it works! What's the point of getting in shape and fixing my cholesterol if I lose my brain cells? Just sayin'

Today I made a wonderful bean dip salsa thingy from my daughter's recipe. Below are the ingredients:
1 can black beans
1 can whole corn
1 can kidney beans (I also added a can of red beans)
2 c. cooked brown rice (couldn't find the basmati rice)
1/3 c. minced cilantro
5 diced green onions
half red and yellow pepper chopped

1/2 c. olive oil
1/3 c. red wine vinegar
2 garlic cloves minced
1 tsp salt
dash of pepper
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 c. lemon juice (forgot to buy lime)

Drain canned goods. Add all bean mixture together. Mix dressing then add to bean mix. Toss. Chill. Enjoy. We eat it with Tostito black bean and salsa Artisan chips. Yummy AND healthy!! Keep refrigerated.

Enjoy your day. I'm off to exercise. I have SO much more energy! My family is starting to pick up on my diet and are loving the food as well and even exercising with me!! :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

One week~5 lbs lost~energy gained~

Our computer is having issues so I hope to get this done before it crashes again! Always something, right!?

After one week of this new diet/menu/quest to lower my LDL and raise my HDL, I've decided to change a bit of my menu.  You can find quantities on my other post. Here goes:

Oatmeal, oat bran, blueberries, peaches. (I removed the craisins, they tasted weird.)

AM snack:
Whole container of yogurt, ground flaxseed. (I prefer MORE yogurt)

Chicken with olive oil, brown rice, salad with walnuts, tomato, and craisins. (Trying to find a good Raspberry Vinaigrette. Not liking Balsamic Vinaigrette with this combo)

Afternoon snack:
Container natural applesauce, 10 almonds. (20 almonds were too much for my liking)

Lara Bar (By this time of day I am SO full i don't want to eat! The Lara Bar's I like the best are carrot cake and Apple Pie. They're really yummy and totally natural. NO added sugar! the Carb's are fructose, which is fruit sugar and 100% natural. Your body assimilates it better that white sugar)

PM snack:
3 squares of DARK chocolate. (My favorite brand is Endangered Species. Mint is my favorite and has 72% Cacao. The really dark has 88% and it's a little strong for me. FYI~cacao is heart healthy and the fat is a MUFA, the best kind for you.)

That's it. Those are my changes for now. I'm still doing the Metamucil in the afternoon...VERY filling. FYI~I change my menu around daily depending upon my cravings. As long as I'm getting everything in my  menu, that's what's important! Also, I think I'll add another salad and possible some egg whites for a snack. Like I said, I'm so full all of the time I'm not hungry and it's hard to want to eat. I am NOT trying to lose weight! The purpose of this new "diet" is strictly for my cholesterol. I've limited my selection so i don't have to 'think' about my diet. EVERYTHING in this diet has a purpose~either to lower LDL or raise HDL....PERIOD!

Let me know if you have questions. I'll keep you posted on dietary changes. My headache is better today. I think the detoxing part if over (I hope!) and I have so much more energy! Tomorrow I will tell you how I cook my chicken...yum! Oh, and I DO need to make sure I'm getting salmon twice a week! I just couldn't bring myself to eat it last week...not a fish fan!

Have a wonderful week!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

One week later~

OK, a week after beginning this journey I know one thing...I feel full ALL of the time! I'm having such a hard time wanting to eat! I'm not writing much today. I've been tired from getting back into the workout routine and also dealing with a headache for 4 days this week. Yes, my body is detoxing...sigh.  I've done GREAT on the diet! Today I DID have a piece of white bread. Feeling REALLY nauseous and needed nutrients. Other than that, I ate what was on my menu, perhaps leaving a few things out and then adding a Lara Bar...YUM! My favorite are Apple Pie. Check out the ingredients...ALL natural! :)

I'll weigh and write my menu changes for the week and alterations to supplements tomorrow. I'm also finding recovery is a lot longer and harder the older you get. Moral of this story, for you youngsters, keep exercising while you're young!!! I only exercised 3 days this week and did upper and lower body once. I think that's going to take a little longer. Probably 2 times next week, then three the following.

Have a wonderful weekend! Hope you're making healthy changes to your life whether dietary, supplemental, or fitness. You'll feel better!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

You CANNOT spot reduce! However....

Tis true...you cannot 'spot reduce'. However, you CAN exercise a certain body part AND get results there! I promise! For instance...if you do exercises for your biceps, for example bicep or hammer curls, you WILL see results! If that muscle is flabby or nonexistent you will build and tighten that muscle. Remember...MORE muscle mass that replaces FAT or FLAB will, in essence, look like you've 'spot reduced' because that 'spot' will be smaller and more firm!! Or, the muscle will be bigger (maybe visible for the first time in years) and tighter! WOOHOO!!

Now, if you want to once again (or for the first time in your life) see those muscles hiding under that fat and flab, you MUST change your diet...PERIOD!!! You CANNOT make changes to your body with exercise alone. It's a fact. Take baby steps. Even if you don't want to diet, just change ONE thing today. Take out processed sugar, white flour, pop...ALL of those are culprits!! Can I teach you something about supposed 'Fat Free' candy? Here goes...Yes, it's ture they do NOT put fat in it, I'll give them that. BUT, and this is a BIG but (no pun intended, kinda) if you get too much sugar in your diet, it WILL turn to FAT!!

Sugar is convereted in the body to glucose. The body uses glucose as energy. (This is all in laymans terms, but you can find it in medical terms on Livestrong.com) After the body uses this glucose for immediate use it then converts it to glycogen and stores some for later, any excess on top of that is stored in the liver and adipose (fat) cells...here it comes....as fatty acid!! Too much fatty acid=excess fat!! So, even though the candy may not have fat initially, if you get too much SUGAR it can and does, through a certain process, turn into FAT! Interesting, no!?!?

Simples carbs, ie. sugar and candy, NOT good for the body. Complex carbs, ie. oatmeal and veggies, ARE good for the body. That's a story for another day. For today, Choose to Change and change ONE thing in your diet that you; if you're being honest with yourself; KNOW is not good for you regardless of your diet habits!

Tomorrow I will revamp my diet and supplements. I'll explain why then. I think my body is de-toxing and I've had a headache for 2 days. My brain is NOT functioning today...sigh...

Happy eating, my friends! :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Exercise~it does a body good! :)

Duh...I know! ;) Just told a friend about muscle. I'll share. Although there is controversy about how many extra calories a day you burn with every extra pound of muscle, the fact is...adding muscle to replace fat on your body WILL burn calories throughout the day WITHOUT YOU DOING ANYTHING EXTRA!! It's true!!

Let's say you weigh 110 lbs. You gain 5 lbs of muscle. One source says (I like THIS source) you can burn an extra 35-50 calories a day for EVERY pound of muscle you gain. Let's do the math. 5X35 (we'll take the smaller amount) you will burn an EXTRA 175 calories a day by doing nothing extra!! Who can't love that!!!

Also, which do you think takes up less space on your body....a pound of muscle or a pound of fat? Let's get ONE thing straight right up front...a POUND of muscle and a POUND of fat WEIGH the same...they are both a pound!! Ever heard someone say, talking about the benefits of weight lifting, a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat? (Heck, I think I said that once upon a time) Well, the premise is correct...but, we're talking about the SPACE each takes up on your body. Muscle is more DENSE than fat. It takes less of it to make a pound. Therefore, if you lose 10 lbs. of fat and replace it with 10 lbs of muscle you will WEIGH the same, but your body will be smaller.

I can testify to this. Since losing 55 lbs years ago I have stayed the same weight within a few pounds. I'll teach you about what I do later. However, (and especially since turning 50) my body is changing. I'm losing muscle and getting flabby. I weigh the same but my clothes fit differently. I have 'flab' in places I've never had before! Have the 'muffin top' above your pants in the back? I never use to, but, I DO now! I will admit, I have exercised less these past few years. I've had several health problems including herniated and torn disc's in my lower back, melanoma in my upper arm, gall bladder, a female problem (won't mention it here), and those are only the things that have limited my exercise ability. Thank you parents and genetics! ;) So, my quest this year is to get fit again. I DO NOT want to turn 70 and not be able to move. I will fight it all the way!

So, get busy and add weights to your routine even if it's only 2 days a week. Make sure your work upper AND lower body. Start out slowly. Work on your core. Do crunches and a plank EVERY night. Your abdomen muscles can be worked out EVERY day, unlike other muscle groups. Also, it helps us women retain bone mass which is HUGE so we don't get osteoperosis. 

Stay active, friends! :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jan. 4th~How are YOUR New Year's Resolutions coming along? ;)

4 days into the New Year...REALLY? The older I get, the faster time flies! I have learned a few things about this cholesterol journey I'm on. #1~It's REALLY hard to get back into an exercise program! #2~Adding fiber to your diet, in ANY form, makes you feel full and bloated! #3~Burping up garlic and fish oil and the same time is really nasty! :( #5~It's OK to change the order of my daily menu items depending on my mood and cravings of the day just as long as I eat everything on the list at some point.
OK, so, I actually already knew all of these things. Just thought I'd share with all of you! ;)

A healthy lifestyle change can do SO many things for, and TO, you! Better sleep. More energy. Less headaches. (Sugar does this to me) More positive outlook. Sense of accomplishment. Focus. More toned body. (Who doesn't want that, I mean, seriously!?!?) Clothes fit better. (...again, who doesn't want that?) Not to mention more muscle mass (burns more fat), lifting weights helps retain bone mass, etc. I could go on and on but you get the point.

In a few days it will be a week since my journey began. I can honestly tell you that I feel better! Well, aside from the bloat and constant 'full' feeling. (Diet changes and rearranging menu items will help that) I am truely excited to see what my numbers will be at the conclusion of the month. And, to hopefully prove the Doctor wrong! I REALLY don't want this to be genetic! Sigh...if you can't change ALL of these things at once, try changing one thing a day. Today, eat 5 or 6 small meals a day. You will have more energy and be less hungry. If you already do that, add protein, more fiber, or healthy oil to your diet. You will fill fuller and less hungry.

Have a wonderful day, my friends! :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Exercise Plan~

Monday thru Saturday:  30-60 min Cardio
Tues, Thurs, Sat, (or Mon, Wed, Fri) Weights, upper AND lower body

That's it! Pretty simple, right!? Just an FYI, my weightlifting workout of choice is...are you ready...
BODY FOR LIFE, by Bill Phillips (no relation to my son-in-law)  :) Check it out at the library.
His work-out routine consists of cardio 3 days a week and alternating upper and lower body 3 days a week.  He has an EXCELLENT program and you will see results REALLY fast!
I have tweaked his program a bit to not only work my muscles more (we lose 1/4 lb. of muscle every year once we hit 40...SAD!) but to get the cardio suggested for Cholesterol lowering.
Body For Life weight lifting is a pyramid system. For example, if I want to work out my biceps, this would be my work-out for them:
12 reps 8-lbs
10 reps 10-lbs
 8 reps 12-lbs.
 6 reps 15-lbs
Rest 1 min. between reps. I like to work a different muscle group while waiting my minute for biceps.
I do 12 reps 12-lbs of a HAMMER CURL.
That's it. Easy. Fast. you see results FAST!

Bill chooses to work upper body one day, lower body two days later, then upper body again 2 days after that. The following week he will switch and do two lower and one upper. I've done his program off and on for years now. I choose to do both upper AND lower body 3 times a week on the SAME day. My time at the gym is a little bit longer on weight lifting days, but, it's SO worth the results!
The thing that's great about his program, you can get as buff as you want and results are easy to maintain. You can lessen your weightlifting days to 2 days a week once you're where you want to be.  I have stayed at my weight amount for awhile now. I choose to be firm and not buff.  However, women, just so you know, you CANNOT get ripped like a guy...NO WAY...unless you take steroids. Our bodies are NOT built like theirs. I promise you your body will be leaner and more fit, NOT a Hulk body~ :)

As far as cardio, in Body For Life he chooses to do 20 minutes of cardio. 1 min at a '10', one minute at a '3', one minute at a '10', etc.  In other words, it's like circuit training. You get REALLY tired and burn a LOT of fat.  I am choosing to do high cardio for 30 to 60 min to get that cholesterol out of my body and burn more fat for longer.  Not sure if it will work but that is what's recommended.

That's it. I could write a LOT more about exercise, the benefits, all the reasons, pros and cons, but this is what I'm doing for this particular problem. Please let me know if you have questions and I'll do my best to answer them. I know a lot from my own experiences and research and I will gladly share!!

Happy Exercising! :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Daily supplements~

Supplements are a BIG part of cholesterol lowering...or, so I've been told! ;) Below is what I will be taking. Most of them I already take on a daily basis, some are new, a couple I've never heard of.  But, at this point I'm willing to try anything!

Breakfast: Green tea, Vit. D, Fish oil, Red Wine capsule
AM snack: Cinnamon capsule, Red Rice capsule
Lunch: Fish oil, Liver detox tea
Afternoon snack: Red Rice capsule, Milk thistle capsule, Heaping TB Psyllium
                           (found in metamucil. Add to 1/2 c. O.J. that has plant sterols)
                            Psyllium adds 25 cal. and O.J. 55 cal.
Dinner: Fish oil, Flaxseed capsule, Garlic capsule, Vit. C

Each of these supplements have a purpose in cholesterol lowering. I'll comment on each of them throughout my journey. You will notice I take ALL of my supplements with food. I have found, at least for me, taking them HALF WAY through a meal lessens the potential of burping them up. YUM, nothing like a burp filled with fish oil taste....NOT!

Yesterday I DID find out a few things...you may not know it, but, adding good fat, MUFA'S, to your diet, will make you less hungry.  Well, drinking the Psyllium made me feel really full as well. After my lunch with the Olive oil and then the Psyllium with O.J., I felt SO full I had a REALLY hard time wanting to eat anything else the rest of the night! I've decided to give it another day and if I still feel that way, I will change up the time I take the Psyllium.
Also, adding the Oat Bran to my Oatmeal for breakfast made me feel REALLY full as well. I wasn't hungry for 6 hours after!! I think I'll add a little less oatmeal so my TOTAL cereal will equal 1/2 c. cooked. I'll let you know how it goes.

Have a wonderful day! I'm off to the gym.  I will post tomorrow my exercise program. Please let me know if you have questions or suggestions!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Cholesterol Lowering Diet (I HOPE!)

Well, for the next month or so I will be following this menu that I devised.  I searched the internet, used info I had previously found, and wrote a diet that I feel will help me achieve my goal of LOWER cholesterol numbers. Use what you like. Change what you feel will work best for you. Add calories if the total amount isn't enough for your body type.  Let me know if you have any questions and I will try my best to answer them for you. So, here goes nothing~

BREAKFAST                                                                              CALORIES
1/2 c. cooked ROLLED oats                                                             75
2 TB Oat bran                                                                                   40
1/8 c. craisins                                                                                    50
1/4 c. blueberries                                                                              15

1 container natural applesauce or apple                                          50
1/2 tsp. cinnamon                                                                              0
20 natural almonds                                                                          90

1 can white tuna or 4 OZ salmon                                                   120
green salad with tomato                                                                   50
1 TB Extra virgin Olive oil                                                               120
3 prunes                                                                                           20

1/2 container of lite yogurt                                                               40
2 TB ground flaxseed                                                                      30

1/4 c. black beans                                                                           60
4 OZ chicken breast                                                                      150
green salad with tomato                                                                  50
1 TB Extra virgin Olive oil                                                              120
1/4 c. Cooked brown rice                                                                60
2 TB salsa                                                                                       10

3 squares DARK chocolate                                                             80
TOTAL CALORIES:                                                                    *1310*