Monday, January 16, 2012

Change it up!!~

Thought I would touch on this a little more since I feel it's REALLY important!! CHANGE UP YOUR ROUTINE!!!!

Have you ever noticed those people at the gym who are always there, always doing the same routine, and their body never seems to change? Well, it's a combination of things. The BIGGEST culprit is the diet. You CANNOT...I repeat...CANNOT, change your body if you don't change your diet! Exercise alone will NOT give you the results that you want...PERIOD! If you're spending the time and effort exercising to get into shape then doesn't it make sense you'd do ALL of it? Getting rid of refined sugar and soda are huge! BIG changes will happen with just this one change. Drinking more water is another one. Hydration is a major factor in SO many areas of your body...cell reproduction, skin, tissues, constipation (sorry, but it's a fact), replenishing your body of the fluid you lose during workout, etc.  Your body will thank you!

OK, now for the change...change up your routine. My sister-in-law, with her personal trainer, does weight lifting for a month (no cardio) then cardio ONLY for the next month and then continues that routine. Works for her. If you're a runner, make sure you lift weights. Important on SO many levels! If you do Zumba 3X a week, make sure you do something different the other two days. You could do Zumba 5X per week for a month then switch up to the elliptical the next month. Or, Jazzercise one week, stair stepper the next. The combinations are endless and your results will be as well if you'll switch up your routine. Do something different. Surprise your body. Use muscles you didn't know you had!

It's two weeks into the are you doing? Made any changes you want to share? My daughter is continuing her workout and eating better. The hubby, well, still trying to pull him along. Little strides are great for him! :) Happy working out!!

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