Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Anyone out there?? ;)

Not really sure it anyone is reading my blog. That's OK. I think it's good for me to write my journey down! Today I will tell you how I cook my chicken. I hope the computer doesn't crash...

4 OZ chicken breast

Heat skillet and spray with cooking spray. Brown chicken on one side then turn over. After about 30 seconds (or, when you can tell the chicken is almost done) put on Mrs. Dash, pepper, and a little salt. Turn off heat, add 1 TBSP olive oil. Put lid on pan (oil will splatter) and let set for about 30 seconds. When you take the lid off the oil and chicken juice is browned. Stir the chicken around in the pan and get all of the drippings. Pour over about 1/2 c. brown rice. Enjoy!! YUMM! This is by FAR my favorite meal of the menu! When I'm really hungry I add my salad with craisins and walnuts. I found some raspberry vinagrette...I'll let you know how I like it.

If you're having a hard time making changes or even wanting to change, think about the alternative! We're all aging, every day. It's a fact. None of us can get past the fact we will age and get older...period! So, you can abuse your body on this journey, or, you can take care of it. The question you need to ask yourself is this...how do you want to feel, move, think, get around, etc, when you're older. How you take care of your body NOW will directly affect your body when you're older. Sorry. It's just a fact! It's never to late to make a change. Start small. You can do it!! Stop drinking pop. Drink more water. Add a vegetable or fruit. Eat less red meat. Stop eating sugar, or, just have it once in awhile. I PROMISE you that, if you stop eating sugar, you will stop craving it. Don't just take my word for it, put it to the test!!

Hope you're all making healthier choices. If there's something you want me to address here, let me know and I'll do my best! I'm off for a walk with the hubby. It's Jan 10th, 5:30 PM and 50 degrees outside!! WHAT!?!??!

1 comment:

  1. I like reading your blog! I've read every day, just so ya know. :) the thing that has helped me, is remembering that this body is a GIFT and I believe that I will be held accountable for how I take care of it. AND, that I want to be one of the old ladies that can still run around with my great grandkids!
