Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jan. 4th~How are YOUR New Year's Resolutions coming along? ;)

4 days into the New Year...REALLY? The older I get, the faster time flies! I have learned a few things about this cholesterol journey I'm on. #1~It's REALLY hard to get back into an exercise program! #2~Adding fiber to your diet, in ANY form, makes you feel full and bloated! #3~Burping up garlic and fish oil and the same time is really nasty! :( #5~It's OK to change the order of my daily menu items depending on my mood and cravings of the day just as long as I eat everything on the list at some point.
OK, so, I actually already knew all of these things. Just thought I'd share with all of you! ;)

A healthy lifestyle change can do SO many things for, and TO, you! Better sleep. More energy. Less headaches. (Sugar does this to me) More positive outlook. Sense of accomplishment. Focus. More toned body. (Who doesn't want that, I mean, seriously!?!?) Clothes fit better. (...again, who doesn't want that?) Not to mention more muscle mass (burns more fat), lifting weights helps retain bone mass, etc. I could go on and on but you get the point.

In a few days it will be a week since my journey began. I can honestly tell you that I feel better! Well, aside from the bloat and constant 'full' feeling. (Diet changes and rearranging menu items will help that) I am truely excited to see what my numbers will be at the conclusion of the month. And, to hopefully prove the Doctor wrong! I REALLY don't want this to be genetic! Sigh...if you can't change ALL of these things at once, try changing one thing a day. Today, eat 5 or 6 small meals a day. You will have more energy and be less hungry. If you already do that, add protein, more fiber, or healthy oil to your diet. You will fill fuller and less hungry.

Have a wonderful day, my friends! :)

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