Monday, March 31, 2014

Did I Eat Today? (Your new way of saying DIET)

Yes, that's Haylie Pomroy's acronym for DIET and it's wonderful!! I love her attitude! 

People have such an obsession with food...whether good or bad. We all have to eat to stay alive and function...FACT of life!! YOU are the one who chooses what to put into your body! It's a conscious choice and YOU decide what fuels your body the best.
One of my favorite things about this diet (I really hate to call it that because I do NOT feel like this is a diet!) is that you don't count calories...SERIOUSLY!!! It's wonderful and so refreshing!! Haylie really gives you a pretty large variety of foods to eat in each of the Phases.
I'm on my first day of Phase 1...again. Each week you start the 3 Phases over. You start with a 'new body' so-to-speak because your body has responded to the diet the week before. Your metabolism is getting re-set, you're burning fat, you've lost weight, you have more's a 'new body' on a new quest. I lost 4 pounds last week! I did NOT start this journey to lose weight! I have been the same weight for over 30 years. I started this diet for 2 reasons:
1. To keep my hubby motivated.  :)
2. To re-set my metabolism and hopefully get some energy.

A little about Phase 2...this is a hard Phase for me. You can only eat protein and veggies...period!!! For TWO days!!!! I love my brown rice and fruit so, this Phase is difficult. But, I'm willing to try it to see if it works!

Phase 2 (Unlock fat stores) ~ That's the purpose of this Phase so, who WOULDN'T want to do it!!!!
Here's what I ate during this Phase~
B~4 egg white omelet and celery or red peppers
S~boiled egg whites with Frank's Red Hot sauce...YUM!!
L~Hamburger meatballs and a BIG salad with ALL kinds of veggies
D~Protein and Veggies

It's imperative that you get the book and see what foods she suggests that you eat. To see what condiments you can use. For instance, you can't have tomatoes during this Phase.  :(  

Oh, you also do certain exercises with each phase. I, for one, am just going to start P90X, walking (which tones my lower body faster than ANY exercise I do!) and Body for Life weight workout.

So, there you go. You're now 4 days into your new diet. I'm not sure I can post too many things from her book so, I'll share a little and then you need to get the book. I personally think it's going to be wonderful to keep that little gem around forever! I can guarantee that we'll be doing it again at some point in our lives!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Let's begin....Phase 1:

OK, so, here we go. The name of this wonderful new diet/way to eat is called:
"The Fast Metabolism Diet" by, Haylie Pomroy. She's a nutritionist and works in CA. I really LOVE her acronym for D.I.E.T...."Did I Eat Today"?  Isn't that wonderful!! On this diet you do NOT count calories! Of course, you're not suppose to over-eat and stuff yourself. But, you literally eat every 3 hours...literally!! Even if you have dinner at 6 and you're still up at eat. It sounds crazy and doesn't make sense because we've been taught that we need to count calories when we diet. To find out more about how she explains this, YOU will need to get her book and read all the yummy details!  ;)

So, what Haylie does is this...she gives you a list of foods that you can choose from to eat for each "Phase" of the diet. You MUST eat what's on the list! Period!! Here's a little sampling of what you would eat on Phase 1, which lasts for 2 days:
1. First, you MUST eat within 1/2 hour of waking up! If you don't have food in your tummy to let your body start using it as fuel, guess what your little body does? It eats, but NOT food, it eats your muscle. This is correct so, read it again, if you don't feed your body, your body will eat your muscle, NOT your fat!!
2. Phase 1 (Unwind and Stress)
~Breakfast~ Grain and Fruit
~Lunch~Grain, Protein, Fruit, Veggie
~Dinner~Grain, Protein, Veggie
(If you want to find out which foods you must eat on this Phase, you need to get the book. No, I'm NOT being mean. If you're really SERIOUS about trying this diet/new way of eating, you really need to understand ALL of what's going on!! (PS. you can find it on Amazon for Kindle and the book is $10.  SO worth the investment!)

This is what I eat in Phase 1:
~B~ Oatmeal, blueberries, peaches, strawberries
~L~Brown rice, lean hamburger, salad with a tomato (Which counts as your fruit)
~D~Brown rice, chicken, salad or broccoli or both (You can have unlimited veggies!)

You MUST eat every 3 hours! Your exercise for this Phase (which lasts 2 days) is at least ONE day of cardio...that's it! Do NOT eat more than 6oz. of meat.

I think that's it. You will NOT feel like you're on a diet!  As you read her book you will understand what this Phase does which, in a few words is, flooding your body with nutrients to stimulate your digestion and metabolism. You will love this Phase...I promise!  If you have any questions, you can ask me. 

**PS....something WONDERFUL that we found that you use on this's a natural sweetener that looks and tastes like sugar...and I'm not exaggerating!! It's heavenly to be able to sweeten up your fruit and oatmeal!! Good luck friends!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'm BACK!!

March 27, 2014

Well, as you can see from my last post, it's been! 2 years! With all of my great intentions of keeping this blog going well, it was just a little much for me! So many things have happened since I first started writing my blog:
1. I have 2 new grandsons. That's a total of 3 grandsons. Gage is 4 1/2, Cache is 16 months, and Talon is 14 months. They certainly light up my life!
2. Our youngest, and only son, received his Eagle Scout Award a few months ago. SO very proud of him!!
3. Our youngest daughter is home for a few months visiting and preparing to move to Mesa, AZ, which is where I'm from. I still have a LOT of family and friends there so, this is a wonderful thing!!
4. I had my gallbladder removed 3 weeks after my sister passed away. 3 episodes of thinking I was having a heart attack because of pain...well, it was enough for me!

I haven't been doing well at ALL on my diet and exercise journey which, for someone who's been active for MANY years and has kept off 55 lbs for over 30 years, that's a pretty big deal! It's been very difficult for me to lose my older sister. I hadn't seen her in 3 years and I was going to visit her; and my other family in Mesa for my nieces wedding; the week after she passed away. There's been a lot of healing that has had to happen because of this. Lots of guilt for not making trips to Mesa while she was still alive because "I couldn't afford it". I miss her terribly! I've really had to learn to grieve in my own way and allow myself to feel and to heal.

One thing positive that HAS happened, however, is the fact that I'm now writing music! Most of my work is church related. It's been a true blessing in my life! The first song came to me on a plane ride home from my sister's funeral. This was a new experience for me! I've sung and played the piano my whole life but never really written any music. It's certainly been a humbling journey for me!

Now, to the REAL reason I decided to start writing body. I have totally neglected it over these past couple of years...yes, I know it's been a LONG time and it's unacceptable...but, it is what it is! My body has changed a LOT over these past few years! neglect has done it's number on me but, I'm also not getting any younger! As you age you lose 1/4 lb of muscle every year! REALLY!?!?!? Oh my! Well, I can testify that those numbers are true!! I've pretty much stayed the same weight since I got married 31 years ago. And I'm being serious! I even weighed exactly the same when I delivered each of my children, even though their weight's varied between 6lb 5oz-8lb 11oz.  My body is happy at this weight. I can eat whatever I want...How, you might ask? Well, I mentally keep track of my calories, for one. I eat the similar foods every day. Boring? well, not for me. There's certain foods I like and so I stick with them! almonds and 10 chocolate chips (my 100 calories snack), half a peanut butter and honey sandwich on wheat bread, oatmeal with get the picture.

Well, these past couple of years have done me in. I weigh the same...BUTT...(yes, I spelled it that way on purpose) body is NOT the same...AT ALL!!!! I can't even begin to tell you how flabby my body is and how much muscle I have lost! How do I know that? Well, looking in the mirror, for starters, is the BIGGEST, most humbling thing you can do and, my clothes do NOT fit the same!! You may not believe this, but, I don't care how much I weigh. I care about how my clothes fit and how I feel. This is an honest statement. 

So, what to do. That's why I'm back!! I have just started a new diet/eating differently program with my hubby. He lost 6 lbs the first week. I started Monday and have lost 3 lbs of FAT!! Now, before you freak out, it's TOTALLY and completely healthy! It's the most wonderful diet/eating program out there for EVERYONE!!!! If you don't need to lose weight, you won't! You don't count calories. You go through 3 Phases, you're told what foods to choose from, and then you eat...every 3 hours...all day long...without counting calories.  I'm on day 4. It's been rough because for 2 days all I could have was protein and veggies and not ALL veggies.

If this sounds interesting at ALL to you, come back tomorrow and I'll share some of this new found information with you!!! I PROMISE, if you're interested in improving your health at ALL, resetting your metabolism, detoxing your body, gaining energy, and more, you don't want to miss out!!! See you tomorrow!  :)