Tuesday, April 8, 2014

There's an APP for that!~ and, Phase 2

Yesterday my daughter texted me and told me that...get ready for it...there's an APP for "The Fast Metabolism Diet"! Woohoo!! It's $2.99. I personally don't have it. I'm a stay-at-home mom so, it's easy for me to eat whenever I need to. But, I looked it over and it seems to be pretty legit and would help you keep track of what you're eating, what TO eat, when to eat, etc. Take a look at it! It may help your journey!!

Also, a friend of mine texted as well yesterday and said for her fruit snack she put frozen mango, water, vanilla and stevia in her magic bullet. How yummy is that!! Don't forget that, with Phase 1, you can have rice milk. It actually tastes like real milk! You could add that to your smoothie as well!

Tomorrow starts Phase 2....who's ready!? Below is a typical day for me:

B~ Egg white omelet or just eggs whites with Franks Red Hot sauce, celery
S~Egg whites or hamburger meatballs (I roll my hamburger into bites size meatballs, put them in a really hot pan to brown one side REALLY well, then turn them over, turn the heat down a bit, and put the lid on to finish cooking) yummy!!
L~ Chicken or steak on a HUGE salad with red peppers, cucumbers, celery, and red wine vinegar.
S~Egg whites, or some other protein
D~Chicken browned well then, towards the end of cooking, add veggies to pick up flavor of the meat. I usually use celery but, onions and mushrooms are nice, too.

There you go. Don't forget to eat every 3 hours and don't forget to drink PLENTY of water!! This Phase is really hard for me so, spices are a BIG reason I am able to stay on this Phase.

Go get "The Fast Metabolism Diet" book by Haylie Pomroy and reap the full benefits of this diet/new way of eating!! Good luck friends!  :)

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