Sunday, April 6, 2014

It's what's for breakfast~Phase 1~Week 3

OK, so, here's the scoop. I'm starting the 3rd week of "The Fast Metabolism Diet" by, Haylie Pomroy....tomorrow. It has been such a blessing in my life! I'm not going to talk about weight loss just yet. I will share my total at the end because, as I've stated before, I'm NOT trying to lose weight! I'm trying to re-set my metabolism and feel better!!! Not gonna lie, losing a couple of pounds would be OK because, well, I've gotten this cute little muffin top in the past couple of years and it would be nice to have that gone!  ;) But, my main focus is to be more energized so I can keep up with my adorable grandsons!!!

So, tomorrow I begin again. As Haylie says, your body will respond differently each week because, if you think about it, as you've re-set your metabolism, eaten better, hopefully exercised, the week before, when you start over the following week with Phase 1 again, it's like starting over with a NEW body and it will respond differently!! It's TRUE!! i'm FINALLY starting to get a little energy! YEAH for me!!!

I'll share what I do. I'm a creature of habit. I typically eat the same things every day. Probably told you that before but, I feel it's relevant here. I eat the same things for each meal and snack during each Phase. Especially the 1st week when I was eating food I don't typically eat. Well, at least not THAT much of those foods. Below is my menu:

B~Oatmeal, blueberries, Peaches, strawberries with some Xylitol
S~2 small oranges (those little cuties...yum!)
L~1/2 c. Brown rice, 4oz. chicken, BIG salad with tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, red peppers, and an apple. Sometimes my tomato is my fruit.
S~1 c. Strawberries with Xylitol
D~1/2 c. brown rice, steak, BIG salad with TONS of veggies.

That's it. SO yummy! SO easy!!! Happy food right there!! Buy the book and you will see the MANY varieties Haylie has for food choices. That way, you can choose what YOU like to eat! Make sure you drink LOTS and LOTS of water!!! You can add fresh squeezed lemon or lime (fresh ginger is great, too) and it will help your water go down a little easier AND it will help to detox your body!!

TIPS: Drinking ICE COLD water will help you burn more calories. It's true...look it up. :) Also, make sure you do some cardio to help burn, burn, burn that fat!! Email me with personal questions at I'll be happy to assist!!  GOOD LUCK!!!!

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